Ted Karczewski

​The modern marketer knows he must balance technology and strategy to produce compelling campaigns that show ROI. But what’s the real benefit of content marketing, and what prevents strategies from driving maximum results?

According to a new study from BtoB, the ideal marketer embraces innovative outreach through technology, digital channels and a range of custom content formats, but also has a commitment to sales. While these qualities contribute to a successful marketing professional, many businesses also note they face numerous challenges that could make it hard to maintain a long-term balanced focus on awareness and sales. The study noted that 55 percent of surveyed marketers identify coping with reduced staff as a major obstacle. More, 48 percent have trouble measuring ROI, 35 percent struggle to convey timely offers and 12 percent indicate they fail to generate brand awareness.

These ​obstacles force today’s modern marketer to approach the creative and strategic processes much differently than ever before. Marketing director at SAP America Ginger Shimp says, „At one point it was all about advertising; but today, with so much focused on conversion, so much of marketing has become a quasi-sales function.“ She continues,“But what modern marketers really have to understand is that their jobs these days are about relationship-building. I know this is a term that’s bandied about excessively, but with the rise of content marketing and social, it’s hard to ignore.“

62.2 percent of respondents said web content delivered ROI, and 51.9 percent said video content offered the most payback.

Business professionals must learn to identify and prioritize the internet marketing tactics that show the most ROI. It’s important to consult content specialists when additional external resource can help develop well-rounded campaigns. Publishing content across formats can foster relationships with different types of audiences. A study from CopyPress looked at the content types that generate significant returns. According to the source, 62.2 percent of respondents said web content delivered ROI, and 51.9 percent said video content offered the most payback. More, white papers (45.6 percent) and infographic marketing (27.9 percent) also drove ROI.

Now that marketers know the content types that have helped businesses in the past, they can begin to produce their own media, but professionals might need help. According to CopyPress, nearly 50 percent of marketers described video content as „difficult to create.“ More, many modern marketers also say video production costs too much. Brafton offers ​a ​cost-effective video marketing package provides custom video content throughout the year, helping brands publish consistent visual media each month that drives ROI and reaches wider, visual-dependent audiences​.​