Joe Meloni

A report from IDG Enterprise found that 84 percent of companies using content marketing expect to increase their production in the next 12 months. The figure represents the success many of these organizations have experienced in using website content to achieve their wide-ranging goals on the web.

Fifty-three percent of responding B2B companies said they will increase their production, and an additional 30.5 percent said they will increase content creation „significantly.“ For many companies, more content also means expanding the kinds of content used to drive website traffic and boost lead generation and conversions on the web.

Content marketing’s position as a dynamic method for increasing visibility is apparent given that more than half of respondents invest in up to 10 formats they deem „effective.“ IDG’s study also reported that outsourcing content marketing to third-party agencies is increasingly popular. Those planning to create more content may look to these vendors to ensure their plans for expansion can be met.

For companies hesitant to outsource such a visible element of their marketing efforts, the success of those who have chosen to use third-party vendors may assuage concerns. A WebMarketing123 study found that companies working with agencies for SEO and social marketing – often fueled by content – are twice as likely to be „highly satisfied with their campaigns“ compared to businesses that keep these activities in house.