Ted Karczewski

Hi, I’m Stefanie D’aulizio with this week’s content and coffee with Brafton. Today I want to explore how content makes the web work, and why brands can’t lose sight of that.

The web has become so ingrained in our daily lives that we often take it for granted. What would you do without the internet? No social media, no YouTube videos, no easy-checkout, no research at your fingertips – just offline, in-person interactions. While it doesn’t sound bad from a societal perspective, it does sound a lot less forward thinking. We need the internet, and it needs us.

As a marketer, you need to understand what makes the ’net so great. Then you need to turn online activities people love into opportunities to drive website conversions. Fortunately, consumers love to talk – especially when it’s about themselves and their interests.

A recent survey from the Digital Advertising Alliance found 92 percent of internet users agree that online content is important to the overall value of the internet, and without it, the web wouldn’t be as great. So there’s the key: content creation.

We already know that branded content helps your company rank higher in search results, but well-written copy also makes web users happier. In fact, 75 percent of surveyed Americans say they prefer the internet to continue to host a variety of accessible information. Why? Because they can buy the pair of shoes that just went on sale online in seconds, discover a business solution that will make their workday easier through search or find information about what to eat for healthy skin.

Your customers love content, but are you creating loveable campaigns? Make sure you’re producing on-brand media to reach the right people – the ones who say your blog posts, news articles and video clips add value to the ’net.

Thanks for stopping by and happy content marketing!