Ted Karczewski

​Corporate blogging has become standard practice across the world, with both B2Bs and B2Cs hiring content writers for brand journalism purposes. Marketers who still don’t believe in content creation as a valid lead-generation opportunity should look no further than WordPress‘ rise to fame and complete market domination.

The blogging platform’s market share increased from 48 percent last year to 52 percent in 2013, according to Royal Pingdom’s annual study. WordPress released its own statistics, saying that there are more than 65 million WordPress.com sites today, written in more than 120 languages worldwide. More, 347 new blog posts are published to the content publication software every minute.

Content marketing has become ingrained in how forward-thinking brands conceptualize new-media campaigns today. It’s not enough to use search engine marketing tactics to appeal to new and existing customers in SERPs – companies must engage audiences with authentic and thought-provoking copy. As content writing continues to grow across U.S. industries, demand for innovative ideas will emerge, and companies must be able to think outside of the box with their brand journalistic intentions.