Yesterday Microsoft finally unveiled its much-hyped search engine, Bing, which the company says is the first step to moving beyond search, but according to one expert it will also mean a change in search engine optimization (SEO).

In a blog post on the Forrester Research website, vice president and principal analyst Shar VanBoskirk says that the new "decision engine" will mean marketers will need to take a new approach to search engine optimization (SEO).

VanBoskirk says that because Bing is unlike most other typical search engines like Google, it will mean companies looking to implement search engine optimization (SEO) for Bing will need to rethink their current strategies.

"Instead of Bing showing all sites that match the search engine’s algorithm, it will show just three results for a given "subcategory" related to a search. For example, a search for ‚Britney Spears‘ may organize by the subcategories ‚biography,‘ ‚videos,‘ ‚music‘ and ‚concert information,’" writes VanBoskirk. "This means SEO strategies will adjust in order to optimize web content for select sub categories, rather than select keywords only."

Bing is slated to become available worldwide next Wednesday but a visit to the website now features a link to which contains a video highlighting the search engine along with buttons to follow the engine on Twitter along with its Facebook page.