Joe Meloni

Despite their momentary popularity and value, websites that aggregate information related to Black Friday and Cyber Monday were recently punished by Bing on SERPs, Search Engine Land reported.

The websites are aimed to serve as hubs that allow searchers and other web users to quickly identify the best deals during the holidays. However, Bing’s team determined that these websites were „too thin“ in content and thrust them down search rankings in favor of direct links to businesses‘ home pages.

Google’s adjustments throughout the year, namely its series of Panda updates, meant the

scarcely populated websites would appear low on SERPs. Currently, the frequency of searches for „Black Friday“ and „Cyber Monday“ has pushed the websites higher on SERPs in line with the freshness factor update and the appeal of trending topics. However, as searches for this exact content decrease, the websites‘ ranks on these pages will fall accordingly.

For marketers, the lessons learned by these websites can be used while developing content marketing campaigns. Populating a website with high-quality content can help businesses maintain their strong SERP rankings at all times.

Depsite Bing’s decision, Brafton reported on Wednesday that Cyber Monday generated $1.25 billion in sales – making it the single largest ecommerce day in history. The figure represents 22 percent growth compared to Cyber Monday 2010.