Lauren Kaye

To cover the bases of internet marketing, brands often rely on a combination of organic and paid search strategies to drive traffic to their websites and increase conversions. Google’s Inside AdWords blog recently introduced changes that allow marketers to further develop and measure the success of their enhanced campaigns.

AdWords Editor Version 10.1 includes new methods for updating enhanced campaigns, such as bulk bid adjustment settings for audiences, topics and placements, as well as the ability to upgrade practices all at once to manage multiple strategies. The update also introduced set mobile bid adjustments for ad group levels and new ValueTrack tools.

Marketers will also be able to adjust their keyword bids according to performance and progression toward specific goals – a change Google says provides brands „with the same granular level of control as [their] search campaigns.“

These updates come on the heels of an announcement at Google I/O 2013 that Google Maps is testing a new way to display ads directly in location searches, a move that would strengthen brands‘ local search campaigns.

Brafton continually asks the question, „To pay or not to pay?“ for search engine marketing. At the end of the day, we think custom content marketing wins out because it brings the right kinds of prospects to brands‘ websites.