Joe Meloni
Editors‘ note: After this article was published, we were contacted by Chitika. The research firm said there was an error in its methodology. Local queries constitute 24 percent of Google search, and Brafton will publish an article with the revised data shortly.

A report from Chitika found that 43 percent of search queries on Google seek local results, which demonstrates the value of an SEO strategy that targets nearby prospects. According to the report, Bing and Yahoo have also seen increased local search activity, with local queries accounting for one-quarter of searches on both portals. The data measures queries processed by the search engines between September 21 and September 27.

A majority of local search queries come from mobile devices, with 74 percent of local searches on Google stemming from smartphones. While 26 percent of local searches start on desktop and laptop PCs, developing a site optimized for mobile can help companies win clicks from a growing on-the-go search audience.

For companies using content marketing, adjusting a strategy to appeal to mobile users can be as simple as including geographic terms within a keyword strategy. However, some other improvements may impact mobile SEO as Google and other search engines refine mobile SERPs to bring users relevant content.

Recent changes to mobile SERPs include icons next to results on Google that tell users a site is entirely optimized for smartphone access. Brafton highlighted a report from Bryson Meunier this summer that said the feature is available on the most recent version of Android. However, it’s unclear if optimization directly impacts search ranking.