Joe Meloni

The Washington Post recently reported that 36 attorneys general from throughout the U.S. have called for a meeting with Google to discuss concerns related to the company’s new privacy policy, set to take effect on March 1.

In a letter addressed to Google CEO Larry Page, the National Association of Attorneys General said that the automatic data sharing across Google products is the primary point of contention – especially details related to location.

In the announcement of its policy, Google clearly stated that those uncomfortable with the policy are welcome to „take their data elsewhere.“ However, the success of Google products dictates that using a new email provider or smartphone operating system may not be an easy change for many consumers.

The NAAG points specifically to Android, Google’s mobile OS, which powers nearly half of all smartphones used by Americans. Google had not responded to the NAAG at press time. However, Google has addressed the topic with letters to some senators and attorneys general, as the NAAG concedes in its message. Still, the organization said „the letters have not allayed our concerns regarding multiple issues ….“

Google’s position as a leader in search, email, mobile and other sectors has made its service a linchpin in the operational and marketing practices of companies throughout the U.S. As such, businesses have been forced to adjust SEO strategies and social media marketing campaigns in line with Google updates.

Still, consumers are not particularly happy with Google’s decisions. Brafton recently reported that nearly half of respondents included in an AYTM Market Research poll said they were not comfortable with the idea of data from social networks influencing search results.