Lauren Kaye

Written content is one of the most efficient and effective ways to convey information, but it can leave certain elements up to interpretation: What’s the intended tone? Where should the emphasis go? American consumers are watching 49.1 billion online videos a month because there are just some things streaming media can do that the written word cannot.

For day six of the #12DaysOfContent, we wanted to spice things up with an introduction to video blogs – though you’ve been watching them throughout this series! This type of content is the secret sauce of a successful content marketing strategy because it helps brands build instantly, visually recognizable personalities online. Staying true to the medium, we interviewed Video Production Coordinator Timothy Griffin to learn how video blogs invite conversations online and inspire trust in readers.

Why add video blogs into your content marketing mix?

Accustomed to increasingly sophisticated digital media, consumers are looking for that next dimension of engagement with brands, and video delivers. Video blogs, like a web series, should be updated frequently enough to stay on top of relevant search trends and industry buzz, while also featuring branded elements that make it a timeless asset on websites.

Brands that create video blogs understand their audiences. They know internet users want to be entertained and like to put a face to brand names. They recognize that prospects are turning to interactive channels like YouTube, and that by sharing regular contributions, they give viewers a reason to tune in and learn more.

Do you want to add another layer of content that enriches your online presence, giving site visitors a better understanding of who you are and why they should engage with you? Video is one of the fastest rising formats for a reason and blogs are a great way to get started. Our video production and editorial teams work together to create on-brand video blogs that give you that interactive x-factor to generate more leads and exposure online.

Still have questions about how text-based blogs translate into visual videos? Contact us for examples, or simply ask our Video Production Coordinator Tim in the comments section below! And check in to see what’s still in store for the #12DaysOfContent.

Follow along or tell us about your favorite formats with the hashtag #12DaysOfContent.