Leadership | Unsere Geschäftsführung

Kreativität. Stolz. Innovation. Hingabe. Respekt. Zuversicht.

Professionalität: Diese Eigenschaften zeichnen Führungskräfte aus. Kommen Freundlichkeit, Mitgefühl, Rücksichtnahme und Verständnis hinzu, dann sind Sie bei Brafton und unseren ambitionierten Machern.

Lernen Sie hier die Menschen kennen, die Brafton zu einem erfolgreichen Unternehmen machen.

Tom Agnew

Tom Agnew

Chief Executive Officer

Tom ist ein Entrepreneur, der sich auf den Aufbau von Unternehmen in den Bereichen Content Marketing, Marketing Technology und Information Services spezialisiert hat. In den letzten sieben Jahren hat er einen Unternehmensverbund gegründet, dem die führenden Content Marketing-Agenturen Nordamerikas und Australiens angehören, und der weltweit über 370 Mitarbeiter beschäftigt.
William Bracken

William Bracken

CFO and Co-Founder

A co-founder of Brafton, William has been responsible for the strategic financial operations of the business since 2008.  As the company diversifies its product ranges and expands into new geographical markets, his role remains to ensure that the business continues to operate on sustainable foundations.  A graduate of Cambridge University, he is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Stewart Snow

Stewart Snow

Chief Technology Officer

Stewart ist verantwortlich für die Weiterentwicklung und Neuausrichtung unserer internen und externen Software-Lösungen und -Plattformen sowie für die Beratung und Integration unserer Kunden auf absolutem Top-Niveau. Als Software-Unternehmer hat Stewart viele digitale und softwarebasierte Firmen aus den Bereichen Content, Research und Marketing von der Gründung bis zum Erfolg geführt. Zu seinen Leistungen gehört auch die Entwicklung einer der ersten Online-Tools in den späten 90er Jahren.
Adam Barber

Adam Barber

Chief Commercial Officer

Adam is responsible for Brafton’s commercial and client strategy teams globally. He has been working in content marketing for 20+ years, during which time he established Brafton’s operations in APAC and EMEA. Adam has hands-on experience of every aspect of agency life from leading creative teams to driving growth strategies. He speaks at industry events and is a regular contributor to our blog.Chief Commercial Officer
Azlan Jesselli

Azlan Jesselli

Financial Controller

Azlan bringt 9 Jahre Erfahrung in der Buchhaltung in seine Position als Financial Controller bei uns ein. Er leitet unsere Buchhaltungsabteilung. Er kam als Spezialist für die Debitorenbuchhaltung zu Brafton und leitet nun die gesamte Buchhaltung — sowohl für Brafton als auch für unser in Australien ansässiges Schwesterunternehmen Castleford. Azlans ausgeprägter finanzieller Scharfsinn und seine Liebe zum Detail helfen bei der Bewältigung der komplexen Aufgaben, die mit dem Betrieb einer der weltweit führenden Content-Marketing-Agenturen einhergehen.
Dave Snyder

Dave Snyder

Vice President of Services

Dave leitet unsere Abteilungen für Projektmanagement, Consulting und Promotion/ Engagement und arbeitet sowohl mit Kunden und als auch mit unseren internen Content Marketing-Experten zusammen, um sicherzustellen, dass unser operatives Geschäft hervorragend läuft. Bevor er die Position als Vice President of Services übernahm, war Dave als einer der ersten Projektmanager des Unternehmens tätig und hatte die Position als Director of Project Management inne. Daves Anspruch an absolute Qualität treibt alle unsere Abteilungen immer wieder zu Bestleistungen an und hat dazu beigetragen, dass wir der führende Anbieter im Bereich Content Marketing wurden und Tag für Tag noch bessere Ergebnisse für unsere Kunden erzielen.
Tricia Calder

Tricia Calder

VP Customer Experience – North America and Europe

With over 10 years experience in digital marketing, Tricia leads our NA & EMEA client strategy teams. Tricia is responsible for ensuring our client services team provides an excellent experience to our clients which includes understanding and delivering on our clients‘ goals. Tricia is constantly working to understand ways to improve and innovate our client approach.
Chris Hassan

Chris Hassan

VP Editorial

Chris began his Brafton career as a Content Writer and now oversees the company’s global Editorial department. With over 10 years of content marketing experience, Chris is dedicated to ensuring the copy Brafton’s in-house writers create exceeds clients‘ expectations. In addition to supporting the development of client strategies, Chris collaborates with the department’s Editorial Managers to ensure content training and policies keep up with a continuously evolving industry.
Ryan Collier

Ryan Collier

VP Sales Operations

As the global VP of Sales Operations for Brafton, Ryan Collier is responsible for pushing high-converting opportunities to our sales team for optimal sales results. With over 17 years experience in the industry and almost 15 years with Brafton, Ryan has helped Brafton scale to its current status as the largest and most effective content marketing agency across the globe. Ryan is also actively involved in assisting clients with their marketing and sales operations related tasks specific to strategy and implementation. When Ryan’s not working, he’s spending time with his kids- Cam and Ellie, or worrying about how the New England Patriots can get back to their winning ways.
Deryk King

Deryk King

AVP of Engineering

Deryk is responsible for both the ongoing development and maintenance of many of Brafton’s proprietary software. He also guides and oversees clients‘ website development work in multiple local businesses, including entertainment companies. Self-taught and with over 20 years of experience in the industry, he has a front-row seat to many of the industry’s leading emerging technologies.
Rachel Ochalek

Rachel Ochalek

AVP Project Management

Rachel oversees Brafton’s global Project Management Department, working closely with internal teams and company leaders to develop and refine the policies and processes that enable Creative Production Project Managers to deliver exceptional service in the client experience. With a background in editorial and management, a passion for producing quality work and a strong desire to exceed client expectations, she is well-positioned to advocate and lead for the continued evolution of Brafton’s Project Management services.
Jeremy Corb

Jeremy Corb

Director of People Operations

Jeremy kam 2011 zu Brafton, nachdem er eine abwechslungsreiche berufliche Laufbahn in den Bereichen Profisport, Copywriting und Personalwesen durchlaufen hatte. Während seiner Zeit bei Brafton entwickelte er sich im Unternehmen vom Texter zum Ausbilder und weiter zum Leiter des Personalwesens. Er hat einen Abschluss der UMass Boston und leitet aktuell unser Recruiting und Personal Development. Er arbeitet eng mit dem gesamten Führungsteam zusammen, um sicherzustellen, dass wir nur die besten Mitarbeiter beschäftigen und unserem Anspruch auf Top-Leistungen stets gerecht werden können.
Molly Ploe

Molly Ploe

Director of SEO & Demand Gen

Molly Ploe is Director of SEO & Demand Gen at Brafton. With a degree in journalism and 8+ years of marketing experience, she aims to help other marketers collect information and organize it in useful ways that help them achieve their goals.
Dominick Sorrentino

Dominick Sorrentino

Dominick Sorrentino, Brafton’s Brand & Product Director, is a writer who accidentally learned to love marketing. He specializes in brand messaging, sales-enablement content and web analytics. When he isn’t thinking about things like „reach“ or the English language, you’ll find him playing guitar, on a walk with his dog, or traveling the world — always with a belly full of the finest coffee within a 5-mile radius. He promises he’s not as pretentious as he sounds.
Ken Boostrom

Ken Boostrom

Director of Design & UX

With over 30 years of experience in branding and strategy, Ken is a seasoned leader in the creative industry. He currently heads an international team of Senior Designers who are renowned for their exceptional skills in branding, UX design, illustration, and digital content creation. Known for his award-winning creativity, Ken consistently brings a high level of expertise to each client project, ensuring its success by aligning it with the client’s strategies and goals.
Alexandra Rowinski

Alexandra Rowinski

Senior Production Operations Director

As the Senior Production Operations Director, Alex oversees a team of project managers in the APAC region and works closely with creative production to support PMs on the management and delivery of quality content. With 7+ years of experience in marketing and a diverse background in PR, operations and writing, Alex is committed to delivering high-quality, strategic content to Brafton clients and helps to streamline workflows and processes across project management. Outside of the office, you can find her on the soccer pitch playing in multiple leagues across LA, traveling or spending time with her friends and family.
Philip Weafer

Philip Weafer

Director of SEO

Philip Weafer is Brafton’s global Director of SEO based in Ireland. He has a full decade (and counting) of digital marketing experience to his name. He’s a big sports fan with a keen interest in teams across multiple countries and competitions. During his free time, he (attempts) to play golf and other sports socially to an impressively average standard.

Samantha Dame

Samantha Dame

Director of Social Media

Sam started her Brafton career as a Social Media Strategist and now oversees the global social department. As the Director of Social Media at Brafton, Sam is responsible for leading the team of Social Media Strategists in developing and executing effective organic and paid social media strategies that drive results for our clients. Outside of the office, you’ll find Sam spending time with her friends, lifting at the gym, and traveling.
AJ Muffett

AJ Muffett

Senior Creative Director, Video

What started as a passion for capturing and telling stories has turned into a 15-plus-year career in video marketing. AJ is our Senior Creative Director of Video, responsible for leading our award-winning motion graphic and videography teams. Having worked with large corporations to start-up production companies, AJ brings a diverse set of skills and perspectives when it comes to video content creation that drives results.
Eric Bush

Eric Bush

Director of PPC

Eric Bush is Brafton’s global Director of Paid Search. He is the go-to person for PPC questions and strategy across the business. When he’s not creating his next great proposal for one of our clients, he’s dedicating his time to his wife and four children (two adopted from South Korea). He can also be found hiking, playing video games and following both international soccer and American football.