Google frequently releases algorithms aimed at improving organic search results. The company’s Freshness algorithm helps users discover and access timely and relevant content without having to weed through outdated material. After all, when a person searches for the score of the game, he or she doesn’t want to see results from last week, last month or last year. The information must be fresh – if it’s not – what’s the point?

The search engine developed a unique Caffeine web indexing system, which allows crawlers to scour the ’net and index the freshest content. The related algorithm uses this system to rank search results, affecting 35 percent of searchers. The goal: Always give searchers the most relevant content on the web, and rank media accordingly. Here’s how the algorithm works:

Recent events

When recent events take place – like a live Twitter chat held by a big brand – people want access to the latest information. Google’s Freshness algorithm takes note of trending topics on the web, and makes it easier for users to find this information through search.

Recurring events

Annual events can be tricky to index, but Google does its best to provide searchers with the information they need. The Freshness Algorithm impacts recurring events such as the Super Bowl, and a basic search implies that the person wants information on the most recent event. To find the score of the 1998 Super Bowl, a user would have to include that year in their query.

Frequent updates

Events happen daily, especially in sports, so if a user wants to find the score of the hockey game played today, but another game was played yesterday, the algorithm will provide the most recent event – that’s how fast Google’s Freshness Algorithm works.